A human image campaign for the number-one funeral specialist

DELA wanted to say goodbye to its rusty image as a funeral insurer and came to the Roularta Brand Studio for an image campaign to position itself as the number-one funeral specialist They wanted to use editorial integration and branded stories to emphasise their advisory role in taking the burden off people’s shoulders when a loved one dies and in supporting the grieving process. In other words, DELA was to be associated with recognisable emotional situations linked to parting, condolence, grief and hope. Positioning: close by - involved - aware - relevant. Tone of voice: warm and hopeful stories without tugging all too hard at the heartstrings.


Our recommendation

We worked with the editors of Libelle to develop an especially warm autumn campaign consisting of:

  • branded stories in Libelle/Femmes and Plus Magazine with courageous testimonials about grief and loss. These appeared in print and on the website.
  • creation of a special Condolence Book with the most beautiful texts for your funeral cards. The book was glued into Libelle with condolence cards.
  • podcasts: ‘De lege stoel aan tafel’  (The empty chair at the table) and ‘De plagerijen van een broer’ (A brother’s banter), to be found on the Libelle website.


After convincing DELA that editorial integration was the best formula to convey their message, they gave our editors and designers carte blanche.

The Condolence Book was so successful that DELA ordered an extra print run of 23,000 copies in Dutch and French, distributed through their associated funeral directors all over Belgium.