
Highlights per share

in euros
2015 2016 (**)
2017 2018 2019
Equity - Group's share 16.63 17.76 16.19 17.75 18.16
EBITDA 2.69 1.35 0.15 0.51 1.83
EBIT 2.51 0.59 -0.96 -5.23 0.80
Net result RMG 5.16 1.72 -0.87 6.37 0.87
Net profit RMG after dilution 5.14 1.70 -0.87 6.35 0.86
Gross dividend 0.50 0.50 0.00 5.50 0.50
Price/Earnings (P/E) (2) 10.12 15.01 -21.23 2.33 17.06
Number of shares at 31/12 13,141,123 13,141,123 13,141,123 13,141,123 13,141,123
Weighted average number of shares 12,486,031 12,515,767 12,534,766 12,541,645 12,545,621
Weighted average number of shares after dilution 12,517,300 12,611,966 12,609,509 12,597,381 12,506,022
Highest share price 25.10 26.93 28.95 25.40 15.50
Share price at year-end 24.50 24.32 21.95 14.65 14.05
Market capitalisation in mill. EUR at 31/12 321.96 319.59 288.45 192.52 184.63
Yearly volume in million EUR 25.90 25.66 30.55 15.58 11.06
Yearly volume in number 1,516,330 1,069,743 1,342,752 753.405 845.340

(**) Restated for retrospective application of IFRS 5 Discontinued Operations

(2) Earnings = current net profit of the consolidated companies. For 2016 it is assumed that the current net profit equals net result.
As from 20216 it is assumed that the current net profit equals net result.