Roularta Media Group confirms market leadership

The latest Persstudie (‘Press Study’), published in October each year by the Centrum voor Informatie over de Media (CIM), has revealed that Roularta Media Group has achieved another great score for market share and coverage. With an impressive range of titles and a readership of more than 3.8 million, Roularta Media Group is continuing to make its mark on the Belgian media landscape. 

A few highlights of the CIM figures:

Roularta Media Group is proud of the results and would like to draw attention to a few important highlights:
De Zondag has reconfirmed its status as the biggest weekly newspaper at both local and national level. With a weekly coverage of more than 1.3 million readers, it continues to be an essential medium for local and national information for advertisers.
• With more than 850,000 readers, Libelle is still the biggest paying magazine in Belgium. Its French-language counterpart, Femmes d’Aujourd’hui, has reached a weekly coverage of 483,000 readers. Together, the two magazines are the national market leader, with 1,330,000 readers. 
• Along with the main magazine, the accompanying monthly magazines enjoy widespread trust among the Libelle/Femmes women: 
 Almost 800,000 connoisseurs enjoyed Libelle Lekker and Femmes Délices, an increase on last year.
 More than 520,000 outdoor enthusiasts are still inspired by their beloved Libelle Nest (NL/FR). 
Plus Magazine reaches 491,700 readers every month, completing the top three paying monthlies after Libelle Lekker/Femmes Délices and Libelle Nest NL/FR.
Feeling and Gael are continuing to win the hearts of women who long for style, quality and refinement. These two titles together attract 311,000 readers each month.
• Almost 300,000 readers a week pick up the Krant van West-Vlaanderen. Our website has confirmed its growing importance as well: each week, 479,100 people read the weekly paper (in print or digitally) or visit the website, representing a well-earned increase of 5% on last year.
• The Trends community is growing and now has 450,000 online and offline readers. 
Knack and Le Vif, with all their supplements, have held onto their leading position and quench the thirst of more than 1 million readers for accurate background information each week.

Convincingly embracing the decision to go digital

Xavier Bouckaert, CEO of Roularta Media Group, explains: 
“Roularta is continuing to intensify its efforts to gain more digital and family subscriptions, to help ensure stable and sustainable growth. Subscribers to Knack and Trends, Le Vif and Trends-Tendances (whether print and digital or ‘digital only’) can read all of the group’s magazines – 30 in total – at the ‘Mijn Magazines’ digital kiosk. They also get 24/7 access to all the content by all the editorial teams in the ‘Mijn Magazines’ app or on the internet. This is how Roularta is convincingly demonstrating that they have embraced the decision to go digital.”